Culinary Arts

a year ago

There is always something exciting going on in the culinary arts lab!

Learn how a commercial kitchen operates, cater events, and compete in cooking competitions!  The Culinary Arts program instructs students in kitchen safety, food preparation and foodservice. Students spend their days working in the actual production setting of a restaurant and cafeteria. They prepare and serve the food and beverages at in-school functions such as breakfasts and luncheons, provide the refreshments needed for meetings and cater special events such as school banquets. Special emphasis is given to the development of both a strong work ethic and teamwork skills.Task List & Course Information

Recommended Academic Levels

  • Reading: 9th-12th grade, depending on career pathway
  • Math: fractions & decimals, money skills, food costing skills require higher level math

Recommended Academic Courses

  • On Level English or higher
  • On Level Math or higher (proficiency in Algebra recommended for food costing applications)

Recommended Aptitudes

  • Endure walking/standing for 2+ hours

  • Work under pressure

  • Independent work habits

  • Follow step by step directions

  • Math and measurement skills

  • Understand and follow written and oral directions

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